RENEW Carbon Offset Calculator How-To Guide
The RENEW Carbon Offset Calculator allows individuals, families, businesses, institutions, and municipalities to calculate their carbon footprint and the equivalent amount to donate to RENEW to “offset” their emissions. Donations to the RENEW Climate Fund directly support the work we do to make the homes of income-eligible families in Monroe County more energy-efficient, healthier, and safer.
Use cases for the Carbon Offset Calculator can include, but are not limited to:
- Offsetting the carbon emissions from a vacation with family.
- Offsetting your annual household usage (electric, gas, or propane usage can all be calculated!)
- Businesses offsetting their employee’s conference trips for a year.
- Calculating the carbon emissions from a road trip.
- And many more!
To use the Carbon Offset Calculator…
Select your usage type. Note: Our calculator allows you to create a grand total across all types of usage. This means you’re able to use it, for example, for both a road trip and an air trip, or for all the trips you went on throughout the year and your annual household usage.
Fill in the drop downs and boxes with the number that is accurate for your specific use case. You can type the numbers directly into the box, you don’t need to use the plus or minus buttons if you don’t want to!
Be sure to fill in every box for each usage type you want to calculate. If you do not know the answer, don’t leave things blank! Averages can be found in the “I” information circle.
You can add up to three trips for both ground travel and air travel. Use the “Add vehicle/trip” check box for this.
You can calculate up to three energy uses for household usage at the same time. Use the “Add another energy use” check box for this.
An example:
Let’s say I went on a vacation with two friends and wanted to offset my carbon footprint for this trip. We traveled by passenger car 100 miles to and from the airport. We took my friend’s car, and I do not know the fuel efficiency (Miles Per Gallon) of the vehicle. We flew 4,000 miles roundtrip to our destination and back. While on vacation, I took a motorcycle tour of the city that spanned 50 miles.
Open the calculator and select “ground travel” as the usage type.
Select “passenger” as type of vehicle.
Enter “200” into the “total miles driven” box.
Since I don’t know the fuel efficiency of my friend’s car, I’ll use the average, which is 24.4 miles per gallon (MPG). The RENEW Carbon Offset Calculator has auto-populated the passenger car average into the fuel efficiency, so there’s nothing for me to change at this time!
I also want to offset my motorcycle tour. Click the checkbox that says “Add Vehicle/Trip”
In the “Vehicle 2” section that’s just opened, select “motorcycle” as the type of vehicle.
Enter “50” into the “total miles driven” box.
The average fuel efficiency for a motorcycle is listed in the “I” information circle: 44mpg. Enter “44” in the “fuel efficiency box.”
Next, we’ll offset our air trip. Go back to the top of the calculator where it says “Select Usage Type,” and click the “Air Travel” bubble. The numbers we calculated in ground travel will carry over automatically.
Drag the green arrow under “Total Passengers” to “3.” Be sure to include yourself in the total number of passengers!
Enter “4,000” under “total miles flown.”
And that’s it! I now know the cost to offset my vacation. The total carbon emissions for this vacation is 4,473.57 pounds. The cost to offset this is $55.92.
Let’s say that, in addition to calculating my footprint for this vacation, I also want to offset my annual household electric and gas usage in one donation.
Go back to the top of the calculator where it says “Select Usage Type,” and click the “Household Usage” bubble. The numbers we calculated for the vacation will carry over automatically.
I’ll use the average again here, found in the “I” information bubble for my electric usage. The monthly average in Rochester is 600 kWh.
Since I’m trying to figure out my annual electric use, I’ll multiply 600 by 12 (months), for a total of 7,200.
Input 7,200 into the box labeled “Monthly Electricity Usage.
Follow the same steps for gas usage. Note: You don’t need to “add another energy use” to do this. Use that option if you want to calculate for another household.
I’ll use the average again for gas usage, found in the “I” information bubble. The monthly average in Rochester is 83.33 Therms.
Multiply 83.33 by 12 (months) for the annual gas usage, for a total of 999.96 Therms.
Input 999.96 into the box labeled “Monthly Gas Usage.”
After adding my household usage to my vacation calculations, my GRAND TOTAL Carbon Emissions is 27.252.61 pounds. I should donate $340.66 to RENEW to offset my emissions.
Next, I’ll click the green button below the calculator that says “Donate TOTAL CARBON OFFSET to the RENEW Climate Fund,” which will redirect me to the RENEW Climate Fund donation page.
Once I’ve visited https://www.racf.org/fund/renew-climate-fund/, I’ll scroll and type $340.66 into the donation amount box under section one, “Gift Amount.”
Fill out the rest of the form as prompted.
Click submit!
Congratulations! You’ve done your part to offset your carbon footprint and help our neighbors make their homes more energy-efficient, healthier, and safer. When you donate to the RENEW climate fund, your contribution stays local and helps clean the air we all breathe!
Helpful Tips
Hovering over the “I” information circle will give you averages for fuel efficiency, electricity, propane, and gas usage should you not know yours specifically.
Using the calculator does not automatically make a donation, so it is something that you can learn by doing, without fear of making mistakes. You can undo actions by unchecking boxes, or entering “zero” into each box to reset your data. When you ARE ready to make your contribution, be sure to click the “DONATE” button below the calculator to open the RENEW Climate Fund donation page in a new tab. You’ll need to manually fill out the form and input the correct number, so don’t close our calculator tab until the donation form is completed and submitted!
Our calculator will provide you with a grand total, so you can add multiple usage types, trips, and energy uses at once! This happens automatically, and does not require you to save your work (unless you leave the page!)
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about using the calculator, please feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to help!
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